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Afterburner Websites

Get seen, boost rankings and conversions with a fast and properly optimized website.  MarketPilot hosts sites on semi-private server instances in Amazon’s cloud. Leveraging the WordPress CMS for easy and standardized content management with a custom stack of plugins and optimizations that speed page load times. Our sites also leverage Cloudflare’s secure proxy for even faster loading times and an added layer of security to prevent malicious attacks to your website. Our hosting packages include maintenance and updates for these systems including WordPress versions, plugins and server software.

Potential customers care if your site is slow to load.  Google cares about how fast and mobile friendly your website is…you should care too.  If you are unsure about your website’s performance, chances are its not great and that is costing you money in lost traffic and conversions.  The Market Pilot team comes from a software background, building massive scale web apps that serve tens of millions of users.  We have leveraged that experience to design a high performance stack that you can leverage for your website.